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Theatre is one of the oldest and most effective forms of Story-Telling.


Stories which touch hearts, which questions authority, which provides us with a sense of relief and freedom. Stories which can change lives.


But unfortunately, this wonderful art is slowing dying out. The two main reasons being the influx of electronic story-telling in forms of films, tv shows, web series, etc.  and the repetition of redundant, outdated stories and plays which no more have much contemporary value.


At the same time, in a country like ours, Theatre is still widely considered an elitist art form; unapproachable to the masses.


With ‘Actor Unveiled on Wheels’ we plan to tour nation-wide and internationally sharing contemporary, relatable stories with original scripts as well as re-adaptation of classic works.


With a genre of new-age plays, contemporary stories we aim at introducing everyone to the magical world of Theatre.


We have a selection of performances, workshops, and seminars custom-designed for

schools, colleges, and universities. 


Check out the brochure! 

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